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Introducing Plato. A Graphic Guide
by Dave Robinson Author and Judy Groves Illustrator
If someone spent their entire life chained inside cave, only seeing images cast by shadows on the cave wall, how might…
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Introducing Empiricism. A Graphic Guide
by Dave Robinson Author and Bill Mayblin Illustrator
A graphic introduction to the history and philosophy of Empiricism. If knowledge comes from experience, is experience…
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Introducing Descartes: A Graphic Guide
by Dave Robinson Author and Chris Garratt Illustrator
Rene Descartes is considered by many to be the father of modern philosophy. His famous meditations and other works…
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Introducing Ethics: A Graphic Guide
by Graphic Guide, A Author and Dave Robinson Author
Are humans really selfish and greedy, or generous and kind? Does anyone have the right to tell you what "good" and "bad"…
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A Practical Guide to Ethics for Everyday Life: Be a Good Person
by Dave Robinson Author
Philosophy is oft debated in an academic setting where ethics and morals become so abstract they aren't useful for day…
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Introducing Philosophy: A Graphic Guide
by Graphic Guide, A Author, Judy Groves Author and Dave Robinson Author
What is the true nature of reality? What are human beings really like? What is all that special about the human mind and…
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Introducing Political Philosophy: A Graphic Guide
by Graphic Guide, A Author, Judy Groves Author and Dave Robinson Author
Introducing Political Philosophy explains the subject’s central concepts and presents the major political theorists…
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