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Introducing Plato. A Graphic Guide
by Dave Robinson Author and Judy Groves Illustrator
If someone spent their entire life chained inside cave, only seeing images cast by shadows on the cave wall, how might…
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Introducing Aristotle. A Graphic Guide
by Rupert Woodfin Author and Judy Groves Illustrator
Step aside Socrates and put your pen down Plato, Aristotle has taken the agora and there's a new teacher in town.…
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Introducing Feminism: A Graphic Guide
by Graphic Guide, A Author, Judy Groves Author and Cathia Jenainati Author
Is biology destiny? Why is the personal political? Is pornography anti-feminist? The term "feminism" came into English…
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Feminism: A Graphic Guide
by Cathia Jenainati Author, Judy Groves Author and Jem Milton Author
Take a look through this illustrated history of the women of the feminist struggle against oppression. Learn about…
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Introducing Lévi-Strauss: A Graphic Guide
by Graphic Guide, A Author, Judy Groves Author and Boris Wiseman Author
This guide to the work of the great French anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss (1908–2009) traces the development and…
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Introducing Jesus: A Graphic Guide
by Anthony O'Hear Author, Graphic Guide, A Author and Judy Groves Author
Christianity interprets Jesus as identical to Christ, but is the historical Jesus the same as the supposed Christian…
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Introducing Philosophy: A Graphic Guide
by Graphic Guide, A Author, Judy Groves Author and Dave Robinson Author
What is the true nature of reality? What are human beings really like? What is all that special about the human mind and…
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Introducing Political Philosophy: A Graphic Guide
by Graphic Guide, A Author, Judy Groves Author and Dave Robinson Author
Introducing Political Philosophy explains the subject’s central concepts and presents the major political theorists…
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