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George Orwell was an English novelist, journalist, essayist, and critic who especially wrote against totalitarianism and social injustice and for democratic socialism. He's best known for his novella Animal Farm and his dystopian novel 1984; neologisms from the latter like "Big Brother," "thoughtcrime," and "doublethink" are often used today.

Animal Farm
by George Orwell Author
As ferociously fresh as it was more than a half century ago, this remarkable allegory of a downtrodden society of…
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Why I Write
by George Orwell Author
From Penguin's series of "Great Ideas," author George Orwell - best known for his work of 1984 - comes to shed light on…
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1984: The Graphic Novel
by George Orwell Author and Fido Nesti Illustrator
In this stunning adaptation of George Orwell's famous novel, illustrator Fido Nesti brings Winston Smith's grim…
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Sticker #213Orwell was Right
by Steve Larder Author and George Orwell Author
George Orwell was the author of 1984 and he was weirdly prescient. Big Brother is in fact watching you. (Sturdy vinyl…
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Sticker #3971984 Is a Warning Not a How-to
by George Orwell Author and Tom Murray Author
In this day and age, its hard not to feel like the world is turning into a dystopian hellscape straight out of some…
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Down and Out in Paris and London
by George Orwell Author
This is George Orwell's first full book. The first part is an account of his days starving in Paris and then working in…
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Nineteen Eighty-Four: Orwell - The New Editions
by George Orwell Author
George Orwell's classic novel of a dystopian far future that's already come more true than he ever probably imagined it…
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George Orwell Visions of Dystopia (Gothic Fantasy)
by George Orwell Author and Jack London Contributor
What do you get if you collect the works of political journalist and novelist George Orwell into the ornate…
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Facing Unpleasant Facts
by George Orwell Author
George Orwell was first and foremost an essayist, producing throughout his life an extraordinary array of short…
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Orwell on Truth
by George Orwell Author and Adam Hochschild Foreword
Over the course of his career, George Orwell wrote about many things, but no matter what he wrote the goal was to get at…
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All Art is Propaganda
by George Orwell Author, George Packer Editor and Keith Gessen Author
As a critic, George Orwell cast a wide net. Equally at home discussing Charles Dickens and Charlie Chaplin, he moved…
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Homage to Catalonia
by George Orwell Author, Adam Hochschild Foreword and Lionel Trilling Contributor
In 1936, originally intending merely to report on the Spanish Civil War as a journalist, George Orwell found himself…
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Animal Farm: The Graphic Novel
by George Orwell Author and ODYR Author
George Orwell's famous novel of revolution, cooptation, and disillusion. Adapted to the graphic novel format by…
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Burmese Days: A Novel
by George Orwell Author
Animal Farm and 1984 author George Orwell served with the Imperial Police in Burma during his early adulthood, and his…
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George Orwell Illustrated
by Mike Mosher Author, George Orwell Author and David N. Smith Author
With an administration that spews "alternative facts" and national anxiety on the rise, George Orwell's work has become…
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Keep the Aspidistra Flying
by George Orwell Author
Gordon Comstock is a poor young man who works in a grubby London bookstore and spends his evenings shivering in a rented…
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The Road to Wigan Pier
by George Orwell Author
In the 1930s Orwell was sent by a socialist book club to investigate the appalling mass unemployment in the industrial…
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Coming Up for Air
by George Orwell Author
George "Tubby" Bowling--middle-aged, insurance salesman, father, husband, and common man--is, shockingly, dissatisfied…
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