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Instant Happy: 10-Second Attitude Makeovers
by Karen Salmansohn Author
Complete with quirky graphics, insightful “interventions,” and a healthy dose of tough love, this colorful and…
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Happy Habits: 50 Science-Backed Rituals to Adopt (or Stop) to Boost Health and Happiness
by Karen Salmansohn Author
We're always being told that happiness is attainable if only we can change our behaviors and get out of our ruts. But…
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Life Is Long!: 50+ Ways to Help You Live a Little Bit Closer to Forever
by Karen Salmansohn Author
This collection of the 50 best tips for a long, healthy life is both wise and fun. Taking the best tips for a long life,…
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The Bounce Back Book: How to Thrive in the Face of Adversity, Setbacks, and Losses
by Karen Salmansohn Author
Life is full of dumb, wrong shit. You can't always choose what happens to you and around you, but the good news is that…
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Think Happy: Instant Peptalks to Boost Positivity
by Karen Salmansohn Author
Whether you're feeling stressed, need motivation, are dealing with haters, or want to turn your tale of woe into a tale…
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How to Make Your Man Behave in 21 Days or Less Using the Secrets of Professional Dog Trainers
by Karen Salmansohn Author and Alison Seiffer Author
A play on "men are dogs," this tongue-in-cheek guide to "making men behave" using the techniques of professional dog…
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