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Kristian Williams is an author and journalist whose work has appeared in the Columbia Journalism Review and Counterpunch. His books include Our Enemies in Blue. He lives in Portland, Oregon.

Resist Everything Except Temptation: The Anarchist Philosophy of Oscar Wilde
by Kristian Williams Author and Alan Moore Foreword
The renowned wit, humor, and literary excellence of Oscar Wilde, combined with his ruthless persecution as a gay man has…
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Fire the Cops!
by Bette Lee Author and Kristian Williams Author
Essays written in the decade following the publication of Our Enemies in Blue, Fire The Cops can be read as a supplement…
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Our Enemies in Blue: Police and Power in America
by Kristian Williams Author
New edition! An examination of the history of police violence from a radical, yet pragmatic and highly readable,…
$22.00 2 comments
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Perspectives on Anarchist Theory N.30: Beyond the Crisis
by Justseeds Illustrator, Josh MacPhee Cover, Kristian Williams Editor, Lara Messersmith-Glavin Editor and Roger Peet Illustrator
"We need to carry the fire together, not be consumed by it." The Institute for Anarchist Studies turns up the heat in…
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Whither Anarchism?
by Kristian Williams Author
In Whither Anarchism, Kristian Williams asks "where is anarchism headed?" In three essays this zine examines what…
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$20-$35 Superpack of Government Misdeeds
by Joe Biel Author, Mia Partlow Author, Nate Powell Author, Abner Smith Author, Super Pack! Author, 5 more
Worn out by the misdeeds spinning around the 24 hour news cycle? Turn off the computer, pick up a book, and read up on…
$64.00 $20.00

$20 Superpack: Understand the News
by Kaycee Eckhardt Author, John Gerlach Author, Dan Méndez Moore Author, Super Pack! Author and Kristian Williams Author
There are a lot of serious issues in the world, and let's face it, scrolling through the headlines and memes isn't…
$37.00 $20.00

Hurt: Notes on Torture in a Modern Democracy
by Kristian Williams Author
HURT is Portland activist Kristian Williams' collection of articles and interviews on the history, psychology, and…
$6.95 5 comments
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