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Log in to get emails when Larry Livermore has something new.
A lifelong man of punk, Larry Livermore (real name Lawrence Hayes) is known best as the cofounder of independent punk label Lookout Records. He also formed, played guitar in, and sang for punk rock band The Lookouts; formed the pop band The Potatomen; and has written for Maximum Rocknroll, Punk Planet, Absolutely Zippo, Homocore, and Verbicide.

Punk Rock Entrepreneur: Running a Business Without Losing Your Values
by Caroline Moore Author and Larry Livermore Foreword
Do you have an idea for something that you want to share with the world but don’t know where to start? Want to make a…
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$25 Superpack: Lookout Records
by Larry Livermore Author and Kevin Prested Author
For those who waited patiently for it, you may recall that we picked up Punk USA: The Rise and Fall of Lookout Records…
$29.90 $25.00

How To Ru(i)n A Record Label: The Story of Lookout Records
by Larry Livermore Author
Larry Livermore has lived an almost unbelievable life. In these pages he recalls attending the original Woodstock,…
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Spy Rock Memories
by Larry Livermore Author
In 1982 Larry Livermore, ex-greaser, post-hippie, burnt out and disillusioned by the Bay Area punk scene, journeyed…
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