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Lisa Vinebaum is a community radio activist. She has been using herbal therapy on herself and other people for a number of years. Isabelle Gauthier holds a degree in herbal therapy. She studied with Joyce Rediker of le Grand Monde des Herbes in Montreal and is an herbal practitioner with many years of active experience.

Get Your Laws Off My Uterus
by Super Pack! Author, Judith Arcana Author, Isabelle Gauthier Author, Esther Eberhardt Author, Catherine Marie Jeunet Author, 3 more
Ever since reproductive choice was legalized in the US in 1973, factions have been trying to strip the right to safe,…
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$20 Superpack: Herbal Healing
by Heron Brae Author, Raleigh Briggs Author, Isabelle Gauthier Author, Super Pack! Author and Lisa Vinebaum Author
Life is full of scrapes and sunburns and headaches and yeast infections and other ailments where the doctor isn't going…
$23.00 $20.00

Hot Pants: Do It Yourself Gynecology
by Isabelle Gauthier Author, Lisa Vinebaum Author with JJ Pursell and Jennifer Baumgardner Foreword
A thorough and classic examination on tried and true herbal treatments for common gynecological problems, as well as…
$9.95 6 comments
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