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Nick Perry was born, raised and lived in Cleveland, Ohio for 35 years. He and his wonderful wife Juliet currently live on a canal boat named Bewitched, roaming England's inland waterways where he works as an itinerant handyman. To see what he is currently fixing on the boat check out his instagram account @garagesaleofthecentury.

$30 Superpack: Cleveland Stories
by Nick Perry Author, Super Pack! Author, Jason Look Author, Joe Biel Author, Eric Sandy Author and Ken Blaze Author
Ah, Cleveland. Chronically misunderstood, underappreciated, and lost in the shuffle with the other Ohio cities that…
$44.85 $30.00

Hello Cleveland: Things You Should Know About the Most Unique City in the World
by Nick Perry Author and Jason Look Illustrator
Hello Cleveland unlocks the hidden, larger-than life history and culture of Cleveland, Ohio, possibly the country's most…
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Drink Me: Curious Cocktails from Wonderland
by Nick Perry Author and Paul Rosser Author
Get ready to head down the rabbit hole with this book of fantastic cocktails inspired by Alice in Wonderland. Whether…
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Round the Clock Joe: Celebrating 24 Years of Microcosm Publishing (A Love Zine)
by Elly Blue Editor, Sidnee Grubb Series Editor, Dr. Faith G. Harper Contributor, Nick Perry Author, Jessica Mullen Author, 6 more
In honor of the 24th anniversary of Microcosm, we solicited true stories from people who have known founder and…
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