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Creating Places of Power: Geomancy, Builder's Rites, and Electional Astrology in the Hermetic Tradition
by Nigel Pennick Author
This book explores traditional esoteric building and crafting rites, explaining ceremonial foundations for sacred…
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Witchcraft and Secret Societies of Rural England: The Magic of Toadmen, Plough Witches, Mummers, and Bonesmen
by Nigel Pennick Author
This delves into the rich folk traditions preserved in the isolated rural societies of the British Isles, particularly…
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Runic Book of Days: A Guide to Living the Annual Cycle of Rune Magick
by S. Kelley Harrell Author and Nigel Pennick Foreword
This comprehensive guide explores the use of the Elder Futhark runes throughout the year, linking each of the 24 runes…
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Magic in the Landscape: Earth Mysteries and Geomancy
by Nigel Pennick Author
This work explores the ancient art of geomancy and Earth magic, offering insights into how our ancestors interacted with…
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Fortuna: The Sacred and Profane Faces of Luck
by Nigel Pennick Author
There is a lot of fortune telling in life, in ways that we might not be aware of. The author of this book explores…
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The Spiritual Power of Masks: Doorways to Realms Unseen
by Nigel Pennick Author
Masks have been used in ritual practices for centuries, thought to allow the wearer to personify an ancestral presence,…
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The Pagan Book of Days: A Guide to the Festivals, Traditions, and Sacred Days of the Year
by Nigel Pennick Author
The Pagan Book of Days is a daily guide to centuries old celebrations and rituals that coincide with the changing…
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Runes and Astrology: Symbol and Starcraft in the Northern Tradition
by Nigel Pennick Author
The runes were more than just an alphabet, but also a system of symbols used to gain insights into the cosmos and our…
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The Ancestral Power of Amulets, Talismans, and Mascots: Folk Magic in Witchcraft and Religion
by Nigel Pennick Author
Offering an illustrated exploration of the origins and history of amulets, lucky charms, talismans, and mascots,…
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Elemental Magic: Traditional Practices for Working with the Energies of the Natural World (3rd Edition)
by Nigel Pennick Author
Discover the world of natural magic and put it to use for your personal and spiritual development. Author Nigel Pennick…
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Operative Witchcraft: Spellwork and Herbcraft in the British Isles
by Nigel Pennick Author
This book covers the history of witchcraft in the British Isles from the Middle Ages to the modern day. With a focus on…
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