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America 24/7: 24 Hours, 7 Days, Extraordinary Images of One American Week
by Rick Smolan Author and David Elliot Cohen Author
Have you ever wanted a glimpse into the American life, free from media preconceptions and presence? This collection of…
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Inside Tracks: Robyn Davidson's Solo Journey Across The Outback
by Rick Smolan Author
Through stunning images, acclaimed photographer Rick Smolan tells the astounding story of Robyn Davidson, who crossed…
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Day In The Life of the Soviet Union
by Rick Smolan Author and David Cohen Author
In 1987, 50 Western and 50 Soviet photographers spread out across the Soviet Union and captured a day in a country that…
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Blue Planet Run: The Race to Provide Safe Drinking Water to the World
by Rick Smolan Author, Jennifer Erwitt Author and Robert Redford Author
This extraordinary volume is two books in one - first, it is about a 15,000-mile relay race in which 20 athletes spent…
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