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Scott Larkin is a writer and bicyclist involved in the Portland underground cultural scene. He has a super cool labrador retriever named Bartleby.

Go By Bicycle #1
by Scott Larkin Author
Scott writes a smart, engaging zine about bicycle advocacy, bike culture, public transit issues, and the dark side of…
$4.95 1 comment
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Go By Bicycle #2
by Scott Larkin Author
Scott writes a smart, engaging zine about bicycle advocacy, bike culture, public transit issues, and the darkside of car…
$4.95 1 comment
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Smiling Disease: A Guide to Public Stickering
by Scott Larkin Author
Have you ever dreamed of plastering the city with stickers of your own design and annoying the crap out of squares? Here…
$4.95 5 comments
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Sticker #232Books and Bikes Undermine the Aspirations of Dictators
by Scott Larkin Author
Ride, read, and refuse to tolerate a fascist state. Sturdy vinyl sticker with black print on a white background.…
$2.50 1 comment
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Sticker #224All true literature is anti-war. If it is called literature and is pro-war, then it is propaganda
by Scott Larkin Author
Sticker says it all. Don't always believe what you read. 'Cause if they're being honest, they'll tell you the truth:…
$2.50 2 comments
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Sticker #225Irritability means too much on your mind and not enough bike riding
by Scott Larkin Author
Don't stress. Cycle! Over here at Microcosm, we know that riding your bicycle can cure just about any problem (if you…
$2.50 3 comments
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Go By Bicycle #3
by Scott Larkin Author
Scott writes a smart, engaging zine about bicycle advocacy, bike culture, public transit issues, and the darkside of car…
$4.95 2 comments
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