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Born along bold, black-and-white lines in Berkeley, CA in 1968, Aaron Cometbus began publishing Cometbus at age 13, months before Maximum Rocknroll got off the ground in 1981. A few years later, Aaron participated in the Gilman Street Project and started his band Crimpshrine. By 1989, Crimpshrine had broken up and Aaron steadfastly focused on Cometbus, which he honed to focus on "punk anthropology," partly to create a legacy bigger than his broken-up band. He was involved with many more part time and project bands over the next twenty five years, such as Pinhead Gunpowder, Thorns of Life, Cleveland Bound Death Sentence, Redmond Shooting Stars, The Blank Fight, and filling in for Green Day and This Bike is a Pipe Bomb. Cometbus became a consistent and determined force to be reckoned with predating trends and inspiring legions of imitators. After over thirty years of steadfast involvement in the scene, virtually everyone you meet has an anecdote about meeting Aaron. Cometbus, when at its best, which is most of the time these days, is a perennial reminder that if we just apply hundreds of thousands of hours to one solitary task across 40 years, we too could become a Great American Classic. 

Downtown Local

by Aaron Cometbus Author

Tired of handwringing reports about “lost” and “disappearing” New York? These dispatches show a different side…

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Hail Murray!: The Punk Photography of Murray Bowles, 1982-1995

by Aaron Cometbus Foreword, Murray Bowles Photographer and Anna Brown Editor

Vibrant images from the San Francisco Bay Area Punk Rock Scene in a deluxe hardcover From San Francisco’s Mabuhay…


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The Loneliness of the Electric Menorah (Cometbus #51)

by Aaron Cometbus Author

This issue of Cometbus is a history of the East Bay through the lens of independent bookstores and their mercurial…

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A Punkhouse in the Deep South: The Oral History of 309

by Aaron Cometbus Author and Scott Satterwhite Author

At their best, punkhouses are a shelter from the storm of society and our dysfunctional families. At their worst, they…


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Cometbus #59: Post-Mortem

by Aaron Cometbus Author

What are the successes and failures of punk and its institutions? What happened to a once-thriving punk underground…

$5.00 1 comment

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Cometbus #56: A Bestiary of Booksellers

by Aaron Cometbus Author

The 56th issue of Cometbus is a loving ethnography of New York City's wild, weird, and bearded used book trade. Aaron…


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Punks Around #10: Zine About Zines

by Alexander Herbert Editor, Matthew Thompson Contributor and Aaron Cometbus Contributor

A love letter to the zines that have formatively inspired editor Alex over the years. Includes a long conversation with…


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$20 Superpack: Ride the Wohl Whip (Cometbus)

by Aaron Cometbus Author and Super Pack! Author

Featuring a pile of issues of the classic Cometbus zine. Includes the long out-of-print, now unearthed contributor issue…

$24.00 $20.00

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Cometbus #58: Zimmerwald

by Aaron Cometbus Author

A teenager finds solace in a diner full of grumpy seniors during the heydey of San Francisco punk. It's a mythological…


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Cometbus #49

by Aaron Cometbus Author

This is a contributor issue of Cometbus. It's got a TON of stuff, including some gritty, experimental poems, an…

$4.00 1 comment

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Cometbus #57 NY Comics Scene

by Aaron Cometbus Author, Gary Panter Author, Nate Powell Author and Julia Wertz Author

The comics scene is thriving in New York, and comics play an oversized role in the city’s myth. But why? In this…


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Last Supper

by Aaron Cometbus Author

Next door to the chain stores and mini malls are the cheap restaurants with chipped paint and handwritten signs which…

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The Snake Pit Book: Daily Diary Comics 2001-2003

by Ben Snakepit Author and Aaron Cometbus Foreword

Ben Snakepit draws his life everyday in 3 comic panels. This was his first book, collecting quite a few various zines.…

$14.95 2 comments

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