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Julia Wertz was born in the San Francisco bay area in 1982. She is the author/illustrator of the unfortunately titled autobiographical graphic novels The Fart Party vol 1 and vol 2, Drinking at the Movies, The Infinite Wait and Other Stories and Museum of Mistakes: The Fart Party Omnibus. She currently lives in Brooklyn, NY, where she used to make comics at Pizza Island (RIP) but currently she’s focusing on a project for Adventure Bible School, her blog/photos about urban exploring.

Museum of Mistakes: The Fart Party Collection
by Julia Wertz Author
In 2004, Julia Wertz began a series of funny, irreverent autobiographical comics she called “The Fart Party.” After…
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The Emotionary: A Dictionary of Words That Don't Exist for Feelings That Do
by Eden Sher Author and Julia Wertz Author
Dissconstrue means to misconstrue someone's word's as disrespectful or offensive. Deliberhate is to consciously choose…
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As You Were #5: A Punk Comix Anthology: This Job Sucks!
by Mitch Clem Editor, Janelle Hessig Cover, Avi Ehrlich Editor, Julia Wertz Contributor, Lee Baillie Contributor, 3 more
Shitty jobs? They happen. The 5th volume of As You Were, a punk comic anthology, features graphic novel short stories…
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Drinking at the Movies
by Janeane Garofalo Author and Julia Wertz Author
Representing Julia Wertz's critically acclaimed first graphic memoir in a new format, with a brand new sketchbook from…
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Cometbus #57 NY Comics Scene
by Aaron Cometbus Author, Gary Panter Author, Nate Powell Author and Julia Wertz Author
The comics scene is thriving in New York, and comics play an oversized role in the city’s myth. But why? In this…
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