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As You Were #5: A Punk Comix Anthology: This Job Sucks!

As You Were #5: A Punk Comix Anthology: This Job Sucks!

by Mitch Clem Editor, Janelle Hessig Cover, Avi Ehrlich Editor, Julia Wertz Contributor, Lee Baillie Contributor, 3 more

Shitty jobs? They happen. The 5th volume of As You Were, a punk comic anthology, features graphic novel short stories…

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As You Were #4: Living Situations

As You Were #4: Living Situations

by Mitch Clem Editor, Avi Ehrlich Editor, Ben Snakepit Contributor, Ben Passmore Contributor, Liz Prince Contributor, Sarah Graley Contributor and Rachel Dukes Contributor

A punk comix anthology on that enduring structure: the punk house. Ben Passmore delivers common experiences as a sort of…


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