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April Streeter writes and bikes from Portland, Oregon. Her career has included five years as correspondent for Sweden, Norway, and the Baltic nations for Windpower Monthly magazine, two years as managing editor for Sustainable Industries magazine, and many years as correspondent of Tomorrow magazine and blogger for She's also on Instagram @womenonwheels.

Women on Wheels: The Scandalous Untold Histories of Women in Bicycling
by April Streeter Author
A feminist history of bicycling for sport and adventure spans a century of women who changed the world from two…
$16.95 5 comments
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Bike Shop Starter Pack
by Emilie Bahr Author, Joe Biel Author, Elly Blue Author, Ethan Clark Author, Shelley Lynn Jackson Author, 7 more
Get on your bike and go for a ride! If you're looking for perfect impulse buys for your bike shop counter or a National…
$300.00 $150.00 1 comment

$20 Superpack: Body Positivity Power Pack
by Elly Blue Author, Crystal Hartman Author, Cristy C. Road Author, April Streeter Author, Super Pack! Author and Robert Wildwood Author
Bodies! We've got to have them, but we don't have to hate them. Kick body shame out the door with the aid of this…
$44.50 $20.00

Our Bodies, Our Bikes
by Elly Blue Editor, April Streeter Editor, Katura Reynolds Contributor and Emily June Street Contributor
An homage to the classic Our Bodies, Ourselves, this encyclopedic, crowd-sourced compilation of essays, resources,…
$14.95 4 comments
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