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Patch #253Hittin' the Road
by Cliff Harper Author
Stitch this gorgeous patch onto your favorite jacket, backpack, overalls, or anywhere else you might want to put a…
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Patch #239Car Sabotage
by Cliff Harper Author
So listen up 'cause you can't say nothin' You'll shut me down with a push of your button? But I'm out and I'm gone…
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Patch #240General Strike
by Cliff Harper Author
In Europe, strikes are a fundamental part of democracy. It's a necessary tool for us to resist the oppression of them…
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Patch #006Solidarity
by Cliff Harper Author
You don't have to be Émile Durkheim or Peter Kropotkin to appreciate the message of unity, cohesion and mutual aid…
$5.00 3 comments
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Patch #016Organize
by Cliff Harper Author
Want to change the world? Here's your first step. Organize! That’s one of the most important steps towards getting any…
$5.00 4 comments
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Patch #046Join the Revolution!
by Cliff Harper Author
Cliff Harper has woodcutting images evocative of a beautiful and peaceful future. And he leaves much interpretation to…
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Patch #097Sabotage
by Cliff Harper Author
It’s time to sabotage the plans of the wicked! Or maybe you’re just trying to sabotage the fact that you keep…
$5.00 5 comments
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