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13 Years of Good Luck: The Microcosm Publishing Sampler
by Julia Alekseyeva Contributor, Lee Baillie Contributor, Moe Bowstern Contributor, Alexander Barrett Contributor, Nate Beaty Contributor, 32 more
To celebrate our thirteenth anniversary of publishing books and zines about self-empowerment, we put together this…
$3.00 8 comments
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Ever Evolving Bastion of Freakdom: A Quimby's Bookstore History in Words and Pictures
by Liz Mason Editor, Steven Svymbersky Editor, Keith Helt Editor, Joe Biel Contributor, Anne Elizabeth Moore Contributor, 6 more
Quimby's Bookstore opened in Chicago 25 years ago and has been going full tilt ever since, providing a hub, outlet, and…
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$20 Superpack: Books Brought to you By the letter B
by Nate Beaty Author, Joe Biel Author, Elly Blue Author, Al Burian Author, Keith Rosson Author, Sarah Royal Author and Super Pack! Author
Of all the letters in the alphabet, we probably have the most books that begin with a B! Get this bundle of B…
$54.00 $20.00

Piecemeal 4
by Nate Beaty Author
Nate's diary comics are funny, revealing, and drawn with flair. In this collection from 2015, he sticks to two major…
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Don't Cry Wolfman Chicago
by Nate Beaty Author
Diary comix ftw! Nate Beaty (Brainfag Forever) shares 120 pages of comics pages outlining scenes from his daily life…
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$25 Superpack: The Portland Pack
by Randy Albright Author, Alexander Barrett Author, Nate Beaty Author, Joe Biel Author and Shawn Granton Author
Here it is! Get yr Bicycles Allowed Full Lane patch, Zinester's Guide to Portland, This is Portland, and Aftermass with…
$35.00 $25.00

BFF: Brainfag Forever
by Nate Beaty Author
BFF: Brainfag Forever! collects nearly a decade of Nate Beaty's self-published comics. Brainfag is a medical term for…
$9.00 22 comments
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