Introducing Genetics: A Graphic Guide

Introducing Genetics: A Graphic Guide

by Steve Jones Author and Borin Van Loon Illustrator

A graphic introduction to one of the newest sciences. Genetics has quickly shaped the frontiers of modern medical and…


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Introducing Hinduism: A Graphic Guide

Introducing Hinduism: A Graphic Guide

by Vinay Lal Author and Borin Van Loon Contributor

Do Hindus worship cows? Are all Hindus vegetarian? Just how many gods and goddesses are there, and what do they all…


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Introducing Islam: A Graphic Guide

Introducing Islam: A Graphic Guide

by Graphic Guide, A Author, Zafar Abbas Malik Author and Ziauddin Sardar Author

Islam is one of the world's most prevalent religions, and Islamic culture is one of humanity's greatest contributers.…


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Introducing Jung: A Graphic Guide

Introducing Jung: A Graphic Guide

by Maggie Hyde Author

A graphic introduction to Sigmund Freud's most enigmatic student, Carl Gustav Jung. This thoroughly illustrated guide…


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Introducing Kant. A Graphic Guide

Introducing Kant. A Graphic Guide

by Christopher Kul-Want Author and Andrzej Klimowski Illustrator

Categorically the imperative illustrated guide to Immanuel Kant! Kant's thought and its lasting importance in western…


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Introducing Keynes: A Graphic Guide

Introducing Keynes: A Graphic Guide

by Chris Garratt Author, Graphic Guide, A Author and Peter Pugh Author

There has recently been a reinvigoration of Keynesian economics as governments are attempting to stimulate the market…


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Introducing Linguistics. A Graphic Guide

Introducing Linguistics. A Graphic Guide

by R.L. Trask Author and Bill Mayblin Contributor

This illustrated guide looks at the science and study of language, our most basic and universal skill. As long as humans…


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Introducing Lévi-Strauss: A Graphic Guide

Introducing Lévi-Strauss: A Graphic Guide

by Graphic Guide, A Author, Judy Groves Author and Boris Wiseman Author

This guide to the work of the great French anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss (1908–2009) traces the development and…


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Introducing Marxism: A Graphic Guide

Introducing Marxism: A Graphic Guide

by Rupert Woodfin Author, Oscar Zarate Author and Graphic Guide, A Contributor

Karl Marx was among the most influential thinkers of the late 19th century, inspiring revolutions in people’s minds…


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Introducing Particle Physics: A Graphic Guide

Introducing Particle Physics: A Graphic Guide

by Tom Whyntie Author and Oliver Pugh Illustrator

An accessible guide that leads you on an illustrated tour through cutting-edge physics. Physicist and CERN contributor…


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Introducing Philosophy: A Graphic Guide

Introducing Philosophy: A Graphic Guide

by Graphic Guide, A Author, Judy Groves Author and Dave Robinson Author

What is the true nature of reality? What are human beings really like? What is all that special about the human mind and…


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Introducing Plato. A Graphic Guide

Introducing Plato. A Graphic Guide

by Dave Robinson Author and Judy Groves Illustrator

If someone spent their entire life chained inside cave, only seeing images cast by shadows on the cave wall, how might…


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Introducing Psychoanalysis: A Graphic Guide

Introducing Psychoanalysis: A Graphic Guide

by Graphic Guide, A Author, Oscar Zarate Author and Ivan Ward Illustrator

Sigmund Freud, for better or for worse, challenged much of our understanding of how the mind worked and how we can heal…


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Introducing Psychology: A Graphic Guide

Introducing Psychology: A Graphic Guide

by Nigel C. Benson Author and Graphic Guide, A Author

What's the difference between psychology and psychiatry? Where did psychology come from? Is this shit even scientific?…


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Introducing Psychotherapy: A Graphic Guide

Introducing Psychotherapy: A Graphic Guide

by Nigel C. Benson Author, Graphic Guide, A Author and Borin Van Loon Author

What is psychotherapy? How can we choose wisely from so much on offer? This book provides a valuable summary of the main…


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Introducing Sartre. A Graphic Guide

Introducing Sartre. A Graphic Guide

by Philip Thody Author and Howard Read Illustrator

Get through your next existential crisis with this brilliant illustrated introduction to one of the best known…


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Introducing Semiotics: A Graphic Guide

Introducing Semiotics: A Graphic Guide

by Paul Cobley Author, Graphic Guide, A Author and Litza Jansz Author

“Introducing Semiotics” outlines the development of sign study from its classical precursors to contemporary…


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Introducing Shakespeare. A Graphic Guide

Introducing Shakespeare. A Graphic Guide

by Nick Groom Author and Piero Illustrator

Not just a biography or a guide to his writings, this book is a tour through Shakespeare's life and his world. Through…


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Introducing Slavoj Zizek. A Graphic Guide

Introducing Slavoj Zizek. A Graphic Guide

by Christopher Kul-Want Author and Piero Illustrator

Slavoj Zizeck is a serious revolutionary, an absurdist prankster, and perhaps the worlds hippest philosopher. This…


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Introducing Sociology: A Graphic Guide

Introducing Sociology: A Graphic Guide

by Graphic Guide, A Author, Piero Author and John Nagle Illustrator

A quick 101 guide on Sociology, this illustrated book takes a look at all aspects of this branch of study. Introducing…


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Introducing Statistics: A Graphic Guide

Introducing Statistics: A Graphic Guide

by Graphic Guide, A Author, Eileen Magnello Author and Borin Van Loon Author

The shaper of the world around us—statistics. Its use allows us to better understand the world around us. However, the…


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Introducing Stephen Hawking. A Graphic Guide

Introducing Stephen Hawking. A Graphic Guide

by J.P. McEvoy Author and Oscar Zarate Author

This guide presents the life and work of Stephen Hawking, the famous physicist and best-sellng author of "A Breif…


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Introducing Wagner: A Graphic Guide

Introducing Wagner: A Graphic Guide

by Michael White Author and Kevin Scott Illustrator

Richard Wagner, while iconic in the field of classical music with an influence that reaches into modern film today, also…


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Introduction to Gratitude & Self Love

Introduction to Gratitude & Self Love

by School of Life Design Author

Introduction to Gratitude & Self Love is a 7-day, intensive course designed to help you appreciate yourself and your…


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Introduction to Intuition & Clairvoyance

Introduction to Intuition & Clairvoyance

by School of Life Design Author

Introduction to Intuition & Clairvoyance is a 7-day, intensive introspective course designed to help you learn to…


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Introduction to Magic: A Guide to Crystals Fairies Palmistry Tarot and the Zodiac

Introduction to Magic: A Guide to Crystals Fairies Palmistry Tarot and the Zodiac

by Eugene Fletcher Author, Mikaila Adriance Author, Nikki Van De Car Author and Pliny T Young Author

An Introduction to Magic is a beautifully illustrated guide designed to help newcomers start their magical practice. It…


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Introduction to Magick

Introduction to Magick

by School of Life Design Series Editor

Introduction to Magick is a 7-day, intensive course designed to help you feel more in control of your reality by…


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Introduction to Mindfulness & Manifestation

Introduction to Mindfulness & Manifestation

by School of Life Design Author, Jessica Mullen Author and Kelly Cree Author

Introduction to Mindfulness & Manifestation is a 7-day, intensive manifestation immersion course designed to help you…


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Introflirted: 31 Love Notes for Introverts

Introflirted: 31 Love Notes for Introverts

by Josh Ryan Higgins Author

A collection of illustrated love notes for introverts.  Each graphically bold illustration is paired with a humorous,…


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The Introvert Activity Book: Draw It, Make It, Write It (Because You'd Never Say It Out Loud)

The Introvert Activity Book: Draw It, Make It, Write It (Because You'd Never Say It Out Loud)

by Maureen Wilson Author

Perhaps you are done Doodling and ready for illustrated, interactive activities for introverts of all ages to express…


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