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This Zine Has Issues #3 BIPOLAR DISORDER: Breaking the Stigma of Mental Illnesses
by Dave Combs Editor and Holly Combs Contributor
Bipolar disorder is the theme of this third entry in the TZHI series, tackling more candid stories about mental…
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This Zine Has Issues #1 STIGMA: Breaking the Stigma of Mental Illnesses
by Dave Combs Author
Let’s face it: there’s a ton of stigma around mental illnesses. Sharing stories is finding freedom from the stigma…
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This Zine Has Issues #2 (ANXIETY): Breaking the Stigma of Mental Illnesses
by Dave Combs Author
A collection of creative work about one of the worst feelings in the world: anxiety. More than an unpleasant emotion,…
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5 to 9 #3: What's Your #SideHustle? The Music Issue
by ChrisRWK Author, Dave Combs Author and Holly Combs Author
What do you do when you're not working? This 5 to 9 issue interviews people who make music in their spare time.…
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5 to 9 #2: What's Your #SideHustle?
by ChrisRWK Author, Dave Combs Author and Holly Combs Author
A zine packed full of interviews and photos showcasing people with seriously rad side hustles outside of their regular…
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5 to 9 #1: What's your side hustle?
by ChrisRWK Author, Dave Combs Author and Holly Combs Author
Check out this brand new print zine focusing on people's side hustles, passions, project, and hobby businesses. An…
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