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Erik Spellmeyer is a former cellar-man of Ninkasi Brewing and has been a long time craft beer enthusiast. He lives in Portland, Oregon.

$20 Superpack: Summertime DIY
by Raleigh Briggs Author, Bert Davis Author, Holly Davis Author, Matte Resist Author, Erik Spellmeyer Author and Super Pack! Author
Stay busy and happy this summer with these four DIY guides to stuff you can do outdoors, or with the windows open. How…
$46.00 $20.00

$25 Superpack: Kitchen Wizardry 401
by K. Ruby Blume Author, Sandor Ellix Katz Author, Erik Spellmeyer Author and Super Pack! Author
Love to cook and want to level up your kitchen skills? Or are you newer to the ways of the kitchen and want to build a…
$40.00 $25.00

$20 Superpack: Stuporpack
by Aaron Dactyl Author, Erica Dawn Lyle Author, Erik Spellmeyer Author and Super Pack! Author
Maaaaan! I have the worst hangover! Whaaaaaat happened? Let's get you back up to speed with some water and reading Scam:…
$52.00 $20.00

Brew It Yourself: Professional Craft Blueprints for Home Brewing
by Erik Spellmeyer Author and Jamie Floyd Foreword
A DIY home-brewing guide that outlines the key methodologies of the two most common home brewing techniques: extract…
$11.95 3 comments
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