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Joe Biel is a self-made autistic publisher and filmmaker who draws origins, inspiration, and methods from punk rock to sell millions of books. Biel is the founder and CEO of Microcosm Publishing, Publishers Weekly's #1 fastest-growing publisher of 2022 and #3 in 2023/2024, and WorkingLit, the software responsible for Microcosm's aforementioned success—now available for other publishers. Biel has been featured in Time, Esquire, Art of Autism, Reading Glasses, Bulletproof Radio, Spectator (Japan), G33K (Korea), and Maximum Rocknroll, as well as NPR and PBS. Biel is the author of A People's Guide to Publishing, Autism Relationships Handbook, Unfuck Your Business, Enduring Legacy of Portland's Black Panthers, and dozens more. Biel is the director of five feature films and hundreds of short films, including Aftermass: Bicycling in a Post-Critical Mass Portland, $100 & a T-Shirt, and the Groundswell series. Biel lives in Portland, OR.

$20 Superpack: Joe's Faves

by Joe Biel Author and Super Pack! Author

They say it's impossible to pick favorite children. But after stewing for a few hours on our long history of titles, I…

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Stagnating vs Effective Leadership

by Joe Biel Author

Figure out which kind of leader you are (and then, if needed, become the one you want to be)! *Have your poster shipped…


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How You Relate To Others

by Joe Biel Author

It is not always easy to be our most authentic selves. We wear masks all the time (and not just to stay safe in a…


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Patch #244: Autistic Lives Matter

Patch #244Autistic Lives Matter

by Joe Biel Author

From day-to-day difficulties in socializing, inflexible routines, and sensitivity to noises to the fact that a…


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How to Recognize What You Need

by Joe Biel Author

It's not always easy to know what you need. We go through our day, and we feel tired, cranky, paralyzed with indecision,…


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Sticker #437: This Vehicle Runs on Biofuel

Sticker #437This Vehicle Runs on Biofuel

by Joe Biel Author

Sustainability at its finest!


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Autism Acceptance

by Joe Biel Author

Show your support for people on the autism spectrum and other neurodiverse people with this magnet. Stick it on your…


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How You Relate to Others

by Joe Biel Author

The self that we bring with us to work or to social contexts isn't always the same. We have our good days and our bad…


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Evolution Bicycle

by Joe Biel Author

In this little story, we evolved to ride bikes. Which must be why it feels so damn amazing.


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Live Free or Drive (words) Magnet

by Joe Biel Author

Let's skip right to the point: driving is a hellish task, what with the damage to the environment, the expense, and the…


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How to Make a Decision

by Joe Biel Author

It's not always easy to make the right choice. It's not always easy to know what your choices are! But with this helpful…


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Shift Happens: Critical Mass at 20

by Joe Biel Author, Elly Blue Author and Chris Carlsson Author

This is the sequel to Critical Mass: Bicycling's Defiant Celebration, an awesome classic that chronicled the Critical…


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No Self Injury for One Year

by Joe Biel Author

You made it one year—12 months, 52 weeks, 365 whole days—with no self harm, and we're freaking proud of you! Get…


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Is This a Problem?

by Joe Biel Author

Ever get overwhelmed by a situation? Not sure how to resolve it, or even evaluate it? This helpful magnet set with a…


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Sticker #408: Purebread Princess

Sticker #408Purebread Princess

by Joe Biel Author

We all know that the real princesses are made entirely of bread. Don't we? Are you a purebread princess - one of these…


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What Should I Do Next?

by Joe Biel Author

Everybody gets bogged down in tasks from time to time and feels uncertain about how to start their long list of to-dos.…


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Sticker #302: Drive More, Save Less

Sticker #302Drive More, Save Less

by Joe Biel Author

Check out this photo evidence we have of car conspirators! They've spoken it, so we know it to be true: the more you…


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Is This a Problem?

by Joe Biel Author

Stop comparing yourself to other people! Understand how you feel and solve your crisis with this helpful infograph.


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Scarcity v Abundance

by Joe Biel Author

It's easy to find ourselves thinking that life is a zero sum game. The more one person has, the less another has.…


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Mutual Aid, Not Mutual Funds

by Joe Biel Author

Throw each other a life preserver sometimes, because we're all in this together.Put this magnet on your fridge, your…


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$25-40-60 Superpack: Owning Our Damage Warehouse Sale! (Published Books)

by Super Pack! Author, Joe Biel Author, Elly Blue Author, Ian Giesbrecht Author, Jane Goodall Author, 8 more

10 books worth $130, yours for just $40... it doesn't get much better than that!  Here's a snapshot of publishing…


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$20 Superpack: Creativity and Business Ebooks

by Super Pack! Author, Ayun Halliday Author, John Isaacson Author, Joe Biel Author and Caroline Moore Author

Got an idea for a creative business? Here's a crash course. 

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How to Quit Sugar

by Joe Biel Author and Dr. Faith G. Harper Author

Cookies. Cakes. Candies. Sodas. Why are sugary treats SOOO good, yet so bad for your health? 

