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Joe Biel is a self-made autistic publisher and filmmaker who draws origins, inspiration, and methods from punk rock to sell millions of books. Biel is the founder and CEO of Microcosm Publishing, Publishers Weekly's #1 fastest-growing publisher of 2022 and #3 in 2023/2024, and WorkingLit, the software responsible for Microcosm's aforementioned success—now available for other publishers. Biel has been featured in Time, Esquire, Art of Autism, Reading Glasses, Bulletproof Radio, Spectator (Japan), G33K (Korea), and Maximum Rocknroll, as well as NPR and PBS. Biel is the author of A People's Guide to Publishing, Autism Relationships Handbook, Unfuck Your Business, Enduring Legacy of Portland's Black Panthers, and dozens more. Biel is the director of five feature films and hundreds of short films, including Aftermass: Bicycling in a Post-Critical Mass Portland, $100 & a T-Shirt, and the Groundswell series. Biel lives in Portland, OR.

$20 Superpack: Teen Liberation
by Super Pack! Author, Dawson Barrett Author, Elly Blue Author, Joe Biel Author, Bill Brent Author, Wendy Ayotte Author and CrimethInc Author
We know teens aren't the apathetic, disengaged, phone-addicted youngsters society wants to paint them as. Teens give a…
$42.75 $20.00

$20 Superpack: Books Brought to you By the letter B
by Nate Beaty Author, Joe Biel Author, Elly Blue Author, Al Burian Author, Keith Rosson Author, Sarah Royal Author and Super Pack! Author
Of all the letters in the alphabet, we probably have the most books that begin with a B! Get this bundle of B…
$54.00 $20.00

$25 Superpack: The Portland Pack
by Randy Albright Author, Alexander Barrett Author, Nate Beaty Author, Joe Biel Author and Shawn Granton Author
Here it is! Get yr Bicycles Allowed Full Lane patch, Zinester's Guide to Portland, This is Portland, and Aftermass with…
$35.00 $25.00

August Warehouse Sale: Kale 'em All!
by Darin Wick Author, Angel York Author, Cat Callaway Illustrator, Michael Hoerger Author, Mia Partlow Author, 10 more
From the history of chocolate to declassified government documents, this sale is a feast for the mind AND the body.Live…
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Cozy Portland: A Southeast Neighborhood Vibes Guide to Richmond and Sunnyside
by Elly Blue Author and Joe Biel Author

Not Waiting for Safety
by Joe Biel Author and Elly Blue Author
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Sticker #647I read zines
by Joe Biel Author
It's the Year of Zines, baby! They're small but mighty vessels for all your passionate ideas and thoughts. We got our…
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$25 Superpack: Taking Back Pink
by Joe Biel Author, Elly Blue Author, Box Brown Author, Nicole Georges Author and Super Pack! Author
Our creative director (ahem, Joe) loves the color pink—the brighter the better, while also having an affinity for…
$49.00 $25.00

Sticker #645people mistake me for an adult, due to my age
by Joe Biel Author
Age is just a number, baby. It's also apparently in indicator that you're ready for things like "responsibility" and…
Out of Stock

$50 Superpack: Stuck at Home
by Super Pack! Author, Joe Biel Author, Dave Roche Author, Emily June Street Author, Ben Snakepit Author, Robert Wildwood Author and Bill Brown Author
For everyone stuck at home right now looking for new inputs, this bundle of books is especially put together to absorb…
$101.00 $50.00

Sticker #667i make zines
by Joe Biel Author
Zines! They're powerful pieces of literature in small packages, full of interesting ideas, thoughts, and perspectives.…
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Sticker #641life is a group project
by Joe Biel Author
Life is a group project. So are you going to be the one that slides by letting others do all the work? Or are you going…
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Sticker #649be the dumpster fire you want to see
by Joe Biel Author
Sometimes you've just gotta burn it all down so you can build it back up again. As an added plus, dumpster fires are a…
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Sticker #653you can't ban the underground
by Joe Biel Author
The underground is bigger than the mainstream. Always there, moving against the current, making noise, making music,…
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Sticker #650Who do we mean, when we say "we?"
by Joe Biel Author
We. A pronoun. Used to mean a collective or group including yourself, or as a first person pronoun if you're fancy. But…
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Sticker #652banned books = best books
by Joe Biel Author
Banned books are often filled with deliciously subversive writing, radical thoughts, and other things that make…
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$20 Superpack: Van Life
by Joe Biel Author, Daniel Makagon Author, Super Pack! Author and Bob Suren Author
If you've ever been in a touring band, you know exactly what we are talking about here: Stinky feet, long hot drives,…
$31.40 $20.00

Sticker #651the only straight thing about me is my priorities. wait, nevermind.
by Joe Biel Author
Can't walk straight, can't think straight, can't straighten out priorities... If you're someone who doesn't want to…
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How to read a business book without losing your values
by Elly Blue Author and Joe Biel Author
$20 Superpack: Jeff's Emotional Rollercoaster Pack!
by Joe Biel Author, Elly Blue Author, Jeff Hayes Author, Robert Earl Sutter III Author, Meggyn Pomerleau Author and Super Pack! Author
Here are somemore of Jeff's Favorites. In this one he'd like to take you through the full spectrum of emotion.…
$30.00 $20.00

How to navigate bureaucracies and corporate customer service
by Joe Biel Author and Elly Blue Author

How to get off social media and still promote your business
by Elly Blue Author and Joe Biel Author