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Joe Biel is a self-made autistic publisher and filmmaker who draws origins, inspiration, and methods from punk rock to sell millions of books. Biel is the founder and CEO of Microcosm Publishing, Publishers Weekly's #1 fastest-growing publisher of 2022 and #3 in 2023/2024, and WorkingLit, the software responsible for Microcosm's aforementioned success—now available for other publishers. Biel has been featured in Time, Esquire, Art of Autism, Reading Glasses, Bulletproof Radio, Spectator (Japan), G33K (Korea), and Maximum Rocknroll, as well as NPR and PBS. Biel is the author of A People's Guide to Publishing, Autism Relationships Handbook, Unfuck Your Business, Enduring Legacy of Portland's Black Panthers, and dozens more. Biel is the director of five feature films and hundreds of short films, including Aftermass: Bicycling in a Post-Critical Mass Portland, $100 & a T-Shirt, and the Groundswell series. Biel lives in Portland, OR.

Flame Wars: Common Personal Opinions That Are Unhelpfully Controversial
by Joe Biel Author and Elly Blue Author

How to Leave: Making Your Departure From Any Situation
by Joe Biel Author and Elly Blue Author

Go Deeper: Romantic Conversation Prompts for Established Relationships
by Joe Biel Author and Elly Blue Author
Deepen your connection with a romantic partner with these 43 questions designed to make you fall in love all over again.…

Unfuck Your Nonprofit: Change the World Without Losing Your Mind or Values
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author and Joe Biel Author
Idealists, gather round! How do you pursue your passionate cause to the fullest while still meeting your own needs? How…
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$30 Superpack: Cleveland Stories
by Nick Perry Author, Super Pack! Author, Jason Look Author, Joe Biel Author, Eric Sandy Author and Ken Blaze Author
Ah, Cleveland. Chronically misunderstood, underappreciated, and lost in the shuffle with the other Ohio cities that…
$44.85 $30.00