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Al Burian is the author of the zine Burn Collector. From 2000 to 2007 he was a columnist for various music magazines and DIY publications, including Punk Planet, Heartattack, and the Skeleton. NO APOCALYPSE presents the best of these writings, collected in book form for the first time. He also runs a blog featuring his comics, zines, and music.

June Warehouse Super Sale: Help us make space for more books!
by Ibram X. Kendi Author, Bob Suren Author, Al Burian Author, Cristy C. Road Author, Keith Rosson Author, Alexander Barrett Author and Super Pack! Author
We bought a new warehouse in Cleveland! We're so excited... and also a little overwhelmed at the prospect of moving…
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Burn Collector #1-9 Book
by Al Burian Author
The first nine issues of Al Burian’s sporadically published and widely acclaimed personal zine. Beginning in the…
$16.00 6 comments
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Natural Disaster
by Al Burian Author
Al Burian collects Burn Collector #10, 11, 12, 13 as well as Natural Disasters #1 and 2 and a teeny bit from Punk…
$15.00 1 comment
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No Apocalypse: Punk, Politics, and the Great American Weirdness
by Al Burian Author
War seems to have frazzled the punks. That's an unusual turn of events considering punk is the subculture that gave us…
$14.95 4 comments
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$25 Superpack: Small & Mighty
by Bill Brown Author, Al Burian Author, Jesse Reklaw Author, Sarah Royal Author and Super Pack! Author
Books are getting bigger and bigger in a sort of publishing arms race lately. Not ours! We tend to make smaller books…
$38.00 $25.00

13 Years of Good Luck: The Microcosm Publishing Sampler
by Julia Alekseyeva Contributor, Lee Baillie Contributor, Moe Bowstern Contributor, Alexander Barrett Contributor, Nate Beaty Contributor, 32 more
To celebrate our thirteenth anniversary of publishing books and zines about self-empowerment, we put together this…
$3.00 8 comments
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Ever Evolving Bastion of Freakdom: A Quimby's Bookstore History in Words and Pictures
by Liz Mason Editor, Steven Svymbersky Editor, Keith Helt Editor, Joe Biel Contributor, Anne Elizabeth Moore Contributor, 6 more
Quimby's Bookstore opened in Chicago 25 years ago and has been going full tilt ever since, providing a hub, outlet, and…
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$20 Superpack: Books Brought to you By the letter B
by Nate Beaty Author, Joe Biel Author, Elly Blue Author, Al Burian Author, Keith Rosson Author, Sarah Royal Author and Super Pack! Author
Of all the letters in the alphabet, we probably have the most books that begin with a B! Get this bundle of B…
$54.00 $20.00

Xerography Debt #31
by Joe Biel Author, Davida G. Breier Author and Al Burian Author
Davida Gypsy Breier's review zine, Xerography Debt might be best summarized as an obsession for all…
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Xerography Debt #30
by Joe Biel Author, Davida G. Breier Author and Al Burian Author
Davida Gypsy Breier's review zine, Xerography Debt, is a labor of love and obsession. This 30th issue, Xerography…
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Burn Collector #15
by Al Burian Author and Anne Elizabeth Moore Contributor
The expatriated Al Burian reflects on a year spent living in Berlin, Germany. His wildly free-range topics include:…
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Burn Collector: Fourteen
by Al Burian Author
In Burn Collector #14 zine superstar Al Burian lays down 156 pages of truth, trouble, and everyman blues. Whether…
$8.00 11 comments
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