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Doing It Better: Conflict Resolution and Accountability after Abuse in Leftist Communities
by Joe Biel Author
What is our role in holding people accountable in cases of abuse, sexual or otherwise? How do we investigate these…
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She Persisted: 13 American Women Who Changed the World
by Alexander Boiger Author and Chelsea Clinton Author
This book is a delightful read with beautiful images that showcase 13 brave women who changed the world. Whether it be…
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The Forgiveness Project: Stories for a Vengeful Age
by Marina Cantacuzino Author, Alexander McCall Smith Author and Archbishop Emeritus Desmund Tutu Author
When crime and violence invades a person's life, vengeance and justice are seen as acceptable responses. However, The…
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Take It as a Compliment
Take It as a Compliment is gripping comic memoir collecting the stories of men and women of all ages who have…
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Be Bully Free: A Hands-On Guide to How You Can Take Control
by Michael Panckridge Author and Catherine Thornton Author
Being a kid or a teen is rough, besides all the changes that are happening with your body you also have to somehow…
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Patch #006Solidarity
by Cliff Harper Author
You don't have to be Émile Durkheim or Peter Kropotkin to appreciate the message of unity, cohesion and mutual aid…
$5.00 3 comments
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Owning the Means of Production: Pocket Lessons for Your Own Worker Co-op!
by Allen Killian-Moore Author
Have you ever thought about founding and running a successful worker-owned co-op? It takes more than just getting…
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Asking for It: The Alarming Rise of Rape Culture—and What We Can Do about It
by Kate Harding Author
Asking For It is about ending rape culture. It gives an unflinching look at the ways in which we undermine victims and…
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Healing Painful Sex: A Woman's Guide to Confronting, Diagnosing, and Treating Sexual Pain
by Deborah Coady Author, Nancy Fish Author and MSW MPH Author
Millions of women suffer from painful sex and pelvic pain due while struggling with a healthcare system that fails to…
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Let's Get Free: A Hip-Hop Theory of Justice
by Paul Butler Author
Paul Butler was an ambitious federal prosecutor, a Harvard Law grad who gave up his corporate law salary to fight the…
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Where Bigfoot Walks: Crossing the Dark Divide
by Robert Michael Pyle Author
Awarded a Guggenheim to investigate the legends of Sasquatch, Dr. Robert Pyle trekked into the unprotected wilderness of…
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I Thought It Was Just Me (but It Isn't): Making the Journey from "What Will People Think?" to "I Am Enough"
by Brené Brown Author
"Nobody's perfect," we've all heard from every person trying to reassure us ever, and nice and important as that…
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Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything
by Stephen J. Dubner Author and Steven D. Levitt Author
Steven D. Levitt isn't your average economist. He studies everyday life and the conclusions to his findings will have…
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No Wall They Can Build
by CrimethInc Author
Why do people cross the border without documents? How do they make the journey? Whose interests does the border serve…
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Getting Grit: The Evidence-Based Approach to Cultivating Passion, Perseverance, and Purpose
by Caroline Adams Miller Author
In the age of never-ending distractions and shortcuts, how do we build perseverance in the face of long term goals?…
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CIA Makes Science Fiction Unexciting #7: Intro to the JFK Assassination Conspiracy
by Joseph E. Green Author and Abner Smith Author
Why are conspiracy theorists so dumb? Why can’t they just accept that Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK? Is it just because…
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Psychopaths: Up Close and Personal
by Christopher Berry-Dee Author
Former Royal Marine intelligence officer and current criminologist Christopher Berry-Dee delves the abyssal depths of…
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Against Empathy: The Case for Rational Compassion
by Paul Bloom Author
We often think of our capacity to experience the suffering of others as the ultimate source of goodness. Many of our…
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Emergent Strategy: Shaping Change, Changing Worlds
by adrienne maree brown Author
Inspired by Octavia Butler's explorations of our human relationship to change, Emergent Strategy is radical self-help,…
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Slice Harvester: A Memoir in Pizza
by Colin Atrophy Hagendorf Author
Over the course of two years, a twenty-something punk rocker eats a cheese slice from every pizzeria in New York City,…
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The Fire This Time: A New Generation Speaks about Race
by Jesmyn Ward Author
National Book Award winner Jesmyn Ward takes James Baldwin’s 1963 examination of race in America, The Fire Next Time,…
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Beautiful Trouble: A Toolbox for Revolution
by Andrew Boyd Author
Beautiful Trouble brings together dozens of seasoned artists and activists from around the world to distill their best…
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The Trouble with Reality: A Rumination on Moral Panic in Our Time
by Brooke Gladstone Author
"Fake news." "Alternative facts." How did we get to this point where Sean Spicer can stand on the podium of the Emmy…
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Trashed: An Ode to the Crap Job of All Crap Jobs
by Derf Backderf Author
An entertaining and informative graphic novel about US consumption and waste, from the perspective of a garbage…
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Dear Ijeawele, or A Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions
by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Author
A few years ago, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie received a letter from a dear friend from childhood, asking her how to raise…
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The Sisters Are Alright: Changing the Broken Narrative of Black Women in America
by Tamara Winfrey Harris Author
The Sisters Are Alright exposes anti–black-woman propaganda and shows how real black women are pushing back against…
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Party Line #2: The Futel Party Line
by Karl Anderson Author
This issue of Party Line begins, "What will Futel's role be in the coming end times? As an organization whose core…
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Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead
by Brené Brown Author
Daring Greatly is not about winning or losing. It’s about courage. In a world where “never enough” dominates and…
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When We Rise: My Life in the Movement
by Cleve Jones Author
Born in 1954, Cleve Jones was among the last generation of gay Americans who grew up wondering if there were others out…
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Howl: A Graphic Novel
by Allen Ginsberg Author
First published in 1956, Allen Ginsberg's "Howl" is a prophetic masterpiece--an epic raging against dehumanizing society…
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