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Common Sense Natural Beekeeping: Sustainable, Bee-Friendly Techniques to Help Your Hives Survive and Thrive
by Kim Flottum Author and Stephanie Bruneau Author
Discover the art of beekeeping in harmony with nature through the pages of Common Sense Natural Beekeeping. This…
$24.99 1 comment
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The Power of Trees: How Ancient Forests Can Save Us If We Let Them
by Peter Wohlleben Author
A manifesto on forests, how they can save us, and how we need to protect them from the author of the beloved The Hidden…
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Wild About Weeds: Garden Design with Rebel Plants (Learn How to Design a Sustainable Garden by Letting Weeds Flourish Without Taking Control)
by Jack Wallington Author
Wild about Weeds is an essential handbook tailored for contemporary gardeners, providing valuable insights on how to…
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Beyond the War on Invasive Species: A Permaculture Approach to Ecosystem Restoration
by Tao Orion Author
Invasive species are everywhere. From forests to prairies to rivers, they have the advantage of sheer numbers, and their…
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The Woodburner Handbook: A Practical Guide to Getting the Best From Your Stove
by Anthony Bailey Author
In this volume readers will find everything they need to know about woodburning stoves, packed all together in one cozy…
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Hellstrip Gardening: Create a Paradise between the Sidewalk and the Curb
by Evelyn J. Hadden Author, Joshua McCullough Author and Lauren Springer Ogden Author
Help others and yourself appreciate nature in the neighborhood, by the sidewalk! Anyone can take advantage of every inch…
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How to Camp in the Woods: A Complete Guide to Finding, Outfitting, and Enjoying Your Adventure in the Great Outdoors
by Devon Fredericksen Author
How to Camp in the Woods is an accessible text written for those ranging from first time campers to those much more…
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A River Lost: The Life and Death of the Columbia
by Blaine Harden Author
In this deep dive into the history of the Columbia River and the human forces that have shaped it, journalist Blaine…
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On Freedom Road: Bicycle Explorations and Reckonings on the Underground Railroad
by David Goodrich Author
All aboard! Author David Goodrich, a climate scientist, embarked on a four-year bicycle journey along the Underground…
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Planting the Future: Saving Our Medicinal Herbs
by Rosemary Gladstar Editor and Pamela Hirsch Editor
The growing interest in botanicals in the US is something to celebrate, as the benefits of these are becoming more…
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Off Grid Life: Your Ideal Home in the Middle of Nowhere
by Foster Huntington Author
70 percent of millennials can't afford a traditional home but there are many out-of-the-box options too. Off Grid Life…
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The Commonist Horizon: Futures Beyond Capitalist Urbanization
by Mary N. Taylor Editor and Noah Brehmer Editor
In this timely and inventive collection of essays, editors Mary N. Taylor and Noah Brehmer bring together writings from…
$20.00 1 comment
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Kathy Jetnil-Kijner Poster
by Justseeds Author
Raised in Hawaii, but originally from the Marshall Islands, poet and performance artist Kathy Jetnil-Kijner retains…
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Reclaim Your Sh*t!
by Sarah Poppy Jackson Author
Have you ever considered how weird it is that we defecate in drinking water? That the water that fills your toilet is…
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The Future is Fungi: How Fungi Feed Us, Heal Us, and Save Our World
by Michael Lim Author and Yun Shu Author
There's no denying the awesomeness of fungi. They grow in the dark, where other plants perish. They break down the waste…
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Pyhäjoki Antinuclear Camp Poster
by Justseeds Author
In 2015, Finland was preparing to construct a new nuclear power plant on the Hanhikivi Peninsula, near the town…
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The Mycocultural Revolution: Transforming Our World with Mushrooms, Lichens, and Other Fungi
by Peter McCoy Author and Robert Rogers Foreword
Discover the glorious world of mushrooms, lichens, and micro fungi, as described by Peter McCoy, one of today’s…
$17.95 3 comments
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Future Sacred: The Connected Creativity of Nature
by Julie J. Morley Author
The ways humans relate, or separate, themselves from nature is a dynamic that is nuanced and holds a long history.…
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Wine Science
by Jaime Goode Author
All-encompassing manual about the intricacies of wine making. Goode takes the complex processes and makes it asscesible…
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Boom, Bust, Boom: A Story about Copper, the Metal That Runs the World
by Bill Carter Author
Copper is a miraculous yet contradictory metal, and something that is essential to nearly every single human enterprise.…
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Plant and Planet: Sustainable and Delicious Vegetarian Cooking for Real People
by Goodful Author
This book, inspired by BuzzFeed’s Goodful, presents a collection of 75 plant-based recipes and practical low-waste…
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The Treeline: The Last Forest and the Future of Life on Earth
by Ben Rawlence Author
This volume takes us on a journey through the northward migration of our planets boreal forests and introduces us to the…
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Weeds: In Defense of Nature's Most Unloved Plants
by Richard Mabey Author
Why are weeds so widely vilified, even despised? And why can the same plant be considered beautiful in some places but…
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Slime: How Algae Created Us, Plague Us, and Just Might Save Us
by Ruth Kassinger Author
Most people think of algae as something that grows in their shower or a gross food that fish eat. The term "pond scum"…
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Fix Shit Up
Why throw shit away when you can fix shit up? Announce your DIY sustainability ethos to the world with this magnet.…
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Drop in my Drink: The Story of Water on Our Planet
by Meredith Hooper Author and Chris Coady Author
Travel back in time thousands of years, tracing the story of a single drop of water. Where did Earth's water come from…
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Plant-Based Beauty: The Essential Guide to Detoxing Your Beauty Routine
by Jess Arnaudin Author
Use the power of plants to let your natural beauty shine from the inside out. Ditch toxic, animal-tested beauty products…
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The Low-Carbon Cookbook & Action Plan: Reduce Food Waste & Combat Climate Change with 140 Sustainable Plant-Based Recipes
by Alejandra Schrader Author and Dr. Gunhild Stordalen Author
If you're looking for a way to combat climate change from your kitchen, this book is a great start! With expert tips and…
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Wild Life!: A Look at Nature's Odd Ducks, Underfrogs, and Other At-Risk Species
by Syd Robinson Author and Re:wild Author
Our world is full of quirky and interesting animals that roam all around us, but most people have never heard of some of…
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Garbology: Our Dirty Love Affair with Trash
by Edward Humes Author
An average of $50 billion in squandered trash is rolled out to the curb each year. In his new book, Pulitzer…
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