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I Thought It Was Just Me (but It Isn't): Making the Journey from "What Will People Think?" to "I Am Enough"
by Brené Brown Author
"Nobody's perfect," we've all heard from every person trying to reassure us ever, and nice and important as that…
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I am Harriet Tubman
by Christopher Eliopoulos Author and Brad Meltzer Author
Harriet Tubman not only escaped slavery but risked everything to then establish and run the Underground Railroad,…
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I am Martin Luther King, Jr.
by Christopher Eliopoulos Author and Brad Meltzer Author
As a powerful minister, speaker, and activist for African American rights, Martin Luther King, Jr., was an incredibly…
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I am Jane Goodall
by Christopher Eliopoulos Author and Brad Meltzer Author
Jane Goodall's research on chimpanzees in the African wilderness was a huge milestone and just the beginning of her…
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I am Jackie Robinson
by Christopher Eliopoulos Author and Brad Meltzer Author
As a great athlete faced with great prejudices, Jackie Robinson became the first black player to join a major-league…
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I am Sacagawea
by Christopher Eliopoulos Author and Brad Meltzer Author
As the only girl and the only Native America to journey with Lewis and Clark and co. through the wild and unfamiliar…
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Learned Optimism: How to Change Your Mind and Your Life
by Martin E. P. Seligman, Ph.D Author
The father of the new science of positive psychology and author of Authentic Happiness draws on more than twenty years…
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The Autobiography of Malcolm X: As Told to Alex Haley
by Alex Haley Author and Malcolm X Author
In the searing pages of this classic autobiography, originally published in 1964, Malcolm X, the Muslim leader,…
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Prepper's Survival Retreats: Your Strategic Relocation Plan for an Uncertain Future
Earthquakes rending the very ground apart. Tsunamis wiping out entire coastal cities. Tornadoes destroying vast swathes…
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A Beginner's Guide to Essential Oils: Recipes and Practices for a Natural Lifestyle and Holistic Health
Hayley Hobson demonstrates how essential oils are an important part of your holistic journey. From descriptions on oils…
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Anxiety: A Self-Help Guide to Feeling Better
by Wendy Green Author
Learn about what causes anxiety and how to identify its symptoms, then conquer it step by step. Science-based advice…
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Migraines: A Self-Help Guide to Feeling Better
by Wendy Green Author
Do you suffer from severe headaches, sometimes with nausea and visual impairment? Can these headaches last for up to a…
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One-Hour Cheese
by Claudia Lucero Author
A DIY cook’s dream come true: It’s pizza night, and you’ve made not only the crust and sauce but the mozzarella,…
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Fetch: How a Bad Dog Brought Me Home
by Nicole Georges Author
When Nicole Georges was sixteen she adopted Beija, a dysfunctional shar-pei/corgi mix—a troublesome combination of…
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Living in Harmony with Your Dog
by Dr. Piero M. Bianchi Author and Marisa Vestita Author
From selecting a breed to deciphering doggy code, this book takes you down every road of curiosity regarding you best,…
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Living in Harmony with Your Cat
by enrico ercole Author and Marisa Vestita Author
If 88.9 million cat videos on youtube are any measure at all, cats are pretty much the cutest animals in the world. But…
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Fiery Ferments
by Kirsten K. Shockey Author and Christopher Shockey Author
If you like fermenting your own foods and have a flair for the hot & spicy - look no further. Authors Kirsten and…
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Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything
by Stephen J. Dubner Author and Steven D. Levitt Author
Steven D. Levitt isn't your average economist. He studies everyday life and the conclusions to his findings will have…
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Tri-X-Noise: Photographs 1981-2016
by Bill Daniel Author
Tri-X-Noise is a collection of photographs by of 81 punk bands from 1981-2016. Bands include Bad Brains, Blag Flag,…
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When We Fight We Win
by AgitArte Author and Greg Jobin-Leeds Author
Same-sex marriage, #BlackLivesMatter, the DREAM Act, the People’s Climate March, End the New Jim Crow, Occupy Wall…
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My Solo Exchange Diary: The Sequel to My Lesbian Experience With Loneliness
by Nagata Kabi Author
Through Nagata Kabi's fun and engaging artwork, you're able to follow her struggles and triumphs with an array of…
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No Wall They Can Build
by CrimethInc Author
Why do people cross the border without documents? How do they make the journey? Whose interests does the border serve…
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From Democracy to Freedom
by CrimethInc Author
Democracy is the most universal political ideal of our day. George Bush invoked it to justify invading Iraq; Obama…
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Seize The Time: The Story of the Black Panther Party and Huey P Newton
by Bobby Seale Author
Bobby Seale is perhaps most famous for uncovering in the 1960s that it was legal for Americans to carry loaded assault…
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Chocolatology: Chocolate's Fantastical Lore, Bittersweet History, & Delicious (Vegan) Recipes
by Darin Wick Author, Angel York Author, Cat Callaway Illustrator and Greg Clarke Photographer
Where does chocolate come from? What is it good for? What scientific studies (reputable and otherwise) have been done on…
$16.95 5 comments
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Speed of Dark
by Elizabeth Moon Author
Lou Arrendale, an autistic adult, is a member of the lost generation, born at the wrong time to reap the rewards of…
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13 Years of Good Luck: The Microcosm Publishing Sampler
by Julia Alekseyeva Contributor, Lee Baillie Contributor, Moe Bowstern Contributor, Alexander Barrett Contributor, Nate Beaty Contributor, 32 more
To celebrate our thirteenth anniversary of publishing books and zines about self-empowerment, we put together this…
$3.00 8 comments
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Born to Walk: The Transformative Power of a Pedestrian Act
by Dan Rubinstein Author
Walking is old school. It's slow, it requires no gadgetry, and it's hard work. It's also healthy for body, mind,…
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Black Hole
by Charles Burns Author
It's suburban Seattle, in the mid-1970s, and a strange plague has descended upon the area's teenagers, transmitted by…
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Harold, the People's Mayor: The Biography of Harold Washington
by Clarence P Author and Dempsey Travis Author
Harold, the People's Mayor is the authorized biography of Chicago's first black mayor, written by the late civil rights…
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