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When We Fight We Win
by AgitArte Author and Greg Jobin-Leeds Author
Same-sex marriage, #BlackLivesMatter, the DREAM Act, the People’s Climate March, End the New Jim Crow, Occupy Wall…
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From Democracy to Freedom
by CrimethInc Author
Democracy is the most universal political ideal of our day. George Bush invoked it to justify invading Iraq; Obama…
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No Wall They Can Build
by CrimethInc Author
Why do people cross the border without documents? How do they make the journey? Whose interests does the border serve…
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Seize The Time: The Story of the Black Panther Party and Huey P Newton
by Bobby Seale Author
Bobby Seale is perhaps most famous for uncovering in the 1960s that it was legal for Americans to carry loaded assault…
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13 Years of Good Luck: The Microcosm Publishing Sampler
by Julia Alekseyeva Contributor, Lee Baillie Contributor, Moe Bowstern Contributor, Alexander Barrett Contributor, Nate Beaty Contributor, 32 more
To celebrate our thirteenth anniversary of publishing books and zines about self-empowerment, we put together this…
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Against the Fascist Creep
by Alexander Reid Ross Author
What are the origins of fascism’s current rise in the US and around the world?What are its links to Donald Trump,…
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CIA Makes Science Fiction Unexciting #7: Intro to the JFK Assassination Conspiracy
by Joseph E. Green Author and Abner Smith Author
Why are conspiracy theorists so dumb? Why can’t they just accept that Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK? Is it just because…
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Free Will Explained: How Science and Philosophy Converge to Create a Beautiful Illusion
by Dan Barker Author
Does free will exist? What is free will, and what does jazz have to do with it? Free Will Explained uses science and…
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Parts per Million
by Stoops Julia Author and Gabriel Liston Author
A fiery group of anti-war protesters in Portland, Oregon, take to the streets to uncover the truth veiled behind…
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Best of Enemies: A History of U.S. and Middle East Relations, Part Three: 1984-2013
by David B Author and Jean-Pierre Filiu Author
Ever try to grasp the complexities of the Middle East’s relationship with the U.S., but find it overwhelmingly…
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First Amendment for Beginners
by Jeff Fallow Author, For Beginners Author and Michael J. Lamonica Author
This easy-to-read analysis of the First Amendment shows readers the ins and outs of the freedom of expression. From U.S.…
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New Power: How Anyone Can Persuade, Mobilize, and Succeed in Our Chaotic, Connected Age
by Jeremy Heimans Author and Henry Timms Author
The Occupy Wallstreet and Black Lives Matter movements have highlighted a huge cultural shift in recent years - we have…
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The Book of Awesome Women: Boundary Breakers, Freedom Fighters, Sheroes & Female Firsts
by Becca Anderson Author
HIS-story is well known for its erasure of the lived experiences of the people that challenge the status quo (because…
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Best of Enemies: A History of U.S. and Middle East Relations, Part Two -- 1953-1984
by David B Author and Jean-Pierre Filiu Author
Struggling to grasp the complexities of the Middle East’s relationship with the U.S.? Fear not. Famous historian…
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Best of Enemies: A History of U.S. and Middle East Relations, Part One: 1783-1953
by David B Illustrator and Jean-Pierre Filiu Author
Ever since U.S. Americans coined the term "The Middle East" to describe the regions surrounding the Meditteranean basin…
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Monsters of the Ivy League
by Steve Radlauer Author
The elite world of the Ivy Leagues is often seen as the producers of our world's greatest leaders, execs, and…
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Grocery: The Buying and Selling of Food in America
by Michael Ruhlman Author
In a culture obsessed with food—how it looks, what it tastes like, where it comes from, what is good for us—there…
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Rest in Power: The Enduring Life of Trayvon Martin
by Sybrina Fulton Author and Tracy Martin Author
Years after his tragic, shocking murder, Travyon Martin’s name is still evoked every day. He has become a symbol of…
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The Torture Report: A Graphic Adaptation
by Ernie Colon Author and Sid Jacobson Author
A graphic novelization that makes a brutal government document comprehensible while driving home the human toll of the…
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I Am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban
by Malala Yousafzai Author
When the Taliban took control of the Swat Valley in Pakistan, one girl spoke out. Malala Yousafzai refused to be…
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What About the Rapists?: Anarchist Approaches to Crime & Justice
Crime, Accountability, Justice. What do they mean? What do they look like? This zine explores contemporary anarchist…
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Zinn for Beginners
by David Cogswell Author, For Beginners Series Editor and Joe Lee Illustrator
Howard Zinn changed the way that history is written: his classic A People's History of the United States, published in…
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Mormonism for Beginners
by Jett Atwood Author, Stephen Carter Author and For Beginners Author
Mormonism For Beginners is a balanced, richly engaging introduction to the history, tenets, practices, traditions, and…
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Unions for Beginners
by C.M. Butzer Author, David Cogswell Author and For Beginners Author
Do you appreciate your forty-hour, five-day workweek? Having a safe working environment? Unions made it possible. As the…
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Women's History for Beginners
by Bonnie J. Morris, Ph.D Author, Phill Evans Author and For Beginners Author
Who are the great women of history, and why don’t we know more about them? Women’s History For Beginners offers a…
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Chomsky for Beginners
by David Cogswell Author, For Beginners Author and Paul Gordon Author
Noam Chomsky has written over 30 books, is one of the most-quoted authors on Earth, and the New York Times calls him…
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Them: Adventures with Extremists
by Jon Ronson Author
Jon Ronson is an inspiring reporter who, with the release of this 2002 book, proved the existence of the Bilderberg…
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Rules for Radicals: A Practical Primer for Realistic Radicals
by Saul D. Alinsky Author
First published in 1971, Rules for Radicals is Saul Alinsky's impassioned counsel to young radicals on how to effect…
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Beautiful Trouble: A Toolbox for Revolution
by Andrew Boyd Author
Beautiful Trouble brings together dozens of seasoned artists and activists from around the world to distill their best…
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Streetfight: Handbook for an Urban Revolution
by Janette Sadik-Khan Author and Seth Solomonow Author
During the years that Janette Sadik-Khan was New York City’s transportation commissioner, the city's public spaces…
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