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Fatima The Activist!
by Young Authors Program Editor, Olivia James Author and Jones Leal Illustrator
At Palm Valley Elementary School, some of the male students are discriminating against the female students. Fatima has…
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Gentrifier: A Memoir
by Anne Elizabeth Moore Author
In 2016, Anne Elizabeth Moore was offered the opportunity to live in a house in 'Banglatown,' a primarily Bangladeshi…
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Things You Can Do: How to Fight Climate Change and Reduce Waste
by Eduardo Garcia Author and Sara Boccannini Meadows Author
The climate crisis can feel overwhelming at time, but there are things we can do each day to help lessen our impact and…
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The Anarchist Inquisition: Assassins, Activists, and Martyrs in Spain and France (1891–1909)
by Mark Bray Author
A look at one of the earliest human rights movements, this book examines the campaign to defend anarchists from state…
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Carbon City Zero: A Collaborative Game: Can you work together for a carbon neutral future?
by Rami Niemi Author
This is a collaborative climate action game, intended to help you learn more about climate activism while also having…
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$25 Superpack: Unlearn Colonial Histories
by Sascha Altman DuBrul Author, John Gerlach Author, Anne Elizabeth Moore Author, Justseeds Author and Super Pack! Author
How can we decolonize the world when colonialist attitudes of self and other are so deeply embedded in our psyches? Open…
$40.00 $25.00

$20 Superpack: Light a Fire!
by Dawson Barrett Author, John Gerlach Author, Justseeds Author and Super Pack! Author
Celebrate whatever independence you've got by reading some books that'll set off mental fireworks and get you moving and…
$25.90 $20.00

$20 Superpack: Jeff's Film Makin' Pack!
by Joe Biel Author, Bill Brown Author, Jeff Hayes Author, Alice Isley Author, Rev Phil Sano Author and Super Pack! Author
This is another one of Jeff's Favs Packs. Joe Biel is the genius behind the movie Aftermass. But did you know that Jeff…
$32.00 $20.00

Loving Corrections
by adrienne maree brown Author
A collection of love-based adjustments and reframes to grow our activist movements. This book is part of the Emergent…
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$20 Superpack: DisMANtle the Patriarchy
by Joe Biel Author, Elly Blue Author and Super Pack! Author
The first step to dismantling the patriarchy is understanding how it works in our everyday lives. Manspressions by Joe…
$29.00 $20.00

$25 Superpack: Four Imperfect Shirts
by Joe Biel Contributor, Ian Lynam Contributor and Cristy C. Road Contributor
Here's to the t-shirts all across the world that have had a rough life and are still deeply loved by their wearers.…
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$25 Superpack: Get Activated!
by Sascha Altman DuBrul Author, Greg Farrell Author, Tomas Moniz Author, Super Pack! Author and Raffaella Tolicetti Author
Time to shake up the world, and shake up your life. These books (and a zine) contain motivating and actionable stories…
$52.00 $25.00

$20 Superpack: Anarchy in the USA
by Sascha Altman DuBrul Author, Joe Biel Author, Erica Dawn Lyle Author and Super Pack! Author
A collection of books and zines for anarchists and the anarcho-curious. First, a couple zines: Anarchists on Anarchism…
$52.00 $20.00

$20 Superpack: Rebel Alliance
by Dawson Barrett Author, Joe Biel Author, Elly Blue Author, John Gerlach Author, Dan Méndez Moore Author, 4 more
Want to join the Rebel Alliance? Congratulations, you're already on the team. These books will help get you primed for…
$72.00 $20.00

Paul Robeson for Beginners
by Paul Von Blum Author, For Beginners Author, Elizabeth Von Notias Author and Ramsess Author
An exceptional scholar, lawyer, athlete, stage and screen actor, linguist, singer, civil rights and political activist,…
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New Power: How Anyone Can Persuade, Mobilize, and Succeed in Our Chaotic, Connected Age
by Jeremy Heimans Author and Henry Timms Author
The Occupy Wallstreet and Black Lives Matter movements have highlighted a huge cultural shift in recent years - we have…
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$30 Superpack: Inoffensive Zines for Teens
by Super Pack! Author and Various Author
Need a bunch of zines for your own personal collection, as a gift for a teenager, or for a zine library, youth group,…
$60.00 $30.00

Safe Area Gorazde: The War in Eastern Bosnia 1992-1995
by Christopher Hitchens Author and Joe Sacco Author
Safe Area Gorazde is the account of the terrible seige of Gorazde and the brutal "cleansing" of the non-Serb population…
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The Defiant: Protest Movements in Post-Liberal America
by Dawson Barrett Author
A history of modern protest movements - from Occupy Wall Street to Standing Rock. This book provides an overview of what…
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Zines Galore Display Pack
Zines! There are so many of these little staple-bound pamphlets in the world, but how to choose? And once you've chosen…
$184.00 $110.00

$20-30 Superpack: Protest Power Tools
by Bill DiPaola Author, Lisa Loving Author, Dan Méndez Moore Author, fly Author, Sarah Friedman Author and Harold H Thompson Author
Be prepared when you hit the streets. These three zines and two books will arm you with vital skills, perspective, and…
$33.85 $25.00

Superpack: Protest Power Counter Display
by Super Pack! Author, Adonia E. Lugo, PhD Author, Dan Méndez Moore Author, Joe Biel Author, Michael Hoerger Author, 4 more
Fuel the revolution with these books and zines that empower readers to understand key social issues and act on them.…
$300.00 $150.00

Susan, Linda, Nina & Cokie: The Extraordinary Story of the Founding Mothers of NPR
by Lisa Napoli Author
The success of a pioneering nonprofit founded in the 1970s and called National Public Radio (NPR) can be attributed, in…
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Four Hundred Souls: A Community History of African America, 1619-2019
by Ibram X. Kendi Editor and Keisha N. Blain Editor
Black writers from all disciplines tell one of history’s great epics: the journey of African Americans from 1619 to…
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