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$20 Superpack: Jeff's Emotional Rollercoaster Pack!
by Joe Biel Author, Elly Blue Author, Jeff Hayes Author, Robert Earl Sutter III Author, Meggyn Pomerleau Author and Super Pack! Author
Here are somemore of Jeff's Favorites. In this one he'd like to take you through the full spectrum of emotion.…
$30.00 $20.00

$20 Superpack: Jeff's Faves!
by Jeff Hayes Author
The 'cosm crew is updating our old "Faves" Superpacks. Jeff's includes:This Is PortlandAction!ApplicantThe Interstate…
$26.00 $20.00

$20 Superpack: Jeff's Film Makin' Pack!
by Joe Biel Author, Bill Brown Author, Jeff Hayes Author, Alice Isley Author, Rev Phil Sano Author and Super Pack! Author
This is another one of Jeff's Favs Packs. Joe Biel is the genius behind the movie Aftermass. But did you know that Jeff…
$32.00 $20.00

$20 Superpack: Jeff's Music & Humor Pack!
by Dan Abbott Author, Jason Chandler Author, Jeff Hayes Author, Rob Morton Author, Tom Neely Author, Corbett Redford Author and Super Pack! Author
These are some of Jeff's music and humor favorites. Obviously H&GF&E is an easy one, being as it is hilarious, musically…
$38.85 $20.00

$20 Superpack: Joe's Faves
by Joe Biel Author and Super Pack! Author
They say it's impossible to pick favorite children. But after stewing for a few hours on our long history of titles, I…
$28.00 $20.00

$20 Superpack: Labor Stories
by Moe Bowstern Author, Bill Brown Author, Kate Lopresti Author, Dave Roche Author, Sarah Royal Author and Super Pack! Author
It's important to think about the labor that creates everything that you touch, purchase, and make use in your day. So…
$32.00 $20.00

$20 Superpack: Light a Fire!
by Dawson Barrett Author, John Gerlach Author, Justseeds Author and Super Pack! Author
Celebrate whatever independence you've got by reading some books that'll set off mental fireworks and get you moving and…
$25.90 $20.00

$20 Superpack: Live the Adventure
by Aaron Dactyl Author, Bert Davis Author, Holly Davis Author, Super Pack! Author and Robert Wildwood Author
Do you dream of letting go setting off on a new, adventurous life with less stuff, less work, and less to take care of?…
$32.00 $20.00

$20 Superpack: Live Your Dream!
by John Isaacson Author, Caroline Moore Author, Super Pack! Author and Eleanor C. Whitney Author
Got an idea for a project but you're not sure how to make it work on a practical (and, let's face it, financial) level?…
$37.90 $20.00

$20 Superpack: Love, Loss, & Zines with Katie Haegele
by Katie Haegele Author and Super Pack! Author
What's better than a Katie Haegele book? We've now published three of her poignant, lyrical, down-to-earth works about,…
$36.85 $20.00

$20 Superpack: Make Something! Do Something!
by Super Pack! Author
This pack of zines is for someone who wants to make something, do something, and have somewhere to start! This lovely…
$35.50 $20.00

$20 Superpack: Music Scene Histories
by J. Hunter Bennett Author, Cory M. Linstrum Author, Ben Nadler Author, Super Pack! Author and David A. Ensminger Author
Read all four volumes in our ongoing Scene History series: zines and short books telling the story of a specific place,…
$26.00 $20.00

$20 Superpack: Mystery Surprise
by Super Pack! Author
Does mystery intrigue you? Are great deals your cup o' tea? Well, this superpack has both. We'll send you $50 worth of…
$50.00 $20.00

$20 Superpack of Enjoyable Distractions
by Elly Blue Author, Kate Lopresti Author, Erica Dawn Lyle Author, Joshua Ploeg Author, Meadow Shadowhawk Author, 3 more
Sometimes you want to know everything that's going on around you, your brain whirring like a machine, soaking it all in.…
$69.00 $20.00

$20 Superpack: PMS Care Package
by Isabelle Gauthier Author, Joshua Ploeg Author, Cristy C. Road Author, Emily June Street Author and Super Pack! Author
Feeling crampy? Irritable? Exhausted? Like your uterus is trying to reach up and throttle you with your own fallopian…
$43.00 $20.00

$20 Superpack: Practical Witch's Almanac
by Super Pack! Author and Friday Gladheart Author
Complete your collection of Friday Gladheart's The Practical Witch's Almanac. This bundle contains three back-almanacs,…
$41.85 $20.00

$20 Superpack: Punk Biopic
by Dan Abbott Author, Joe Biel Author, Ben Holtzman Author, Corbett Redford Author, Keith Rosson Author, Ben Snakepit Author and Super Pack! Author
Don't just learn about punks who inspire, BE them. We've got the injection you need right here to build your life and…
$61.00 $20.00

$20 Superpack: Punk Fuckin' Rock
by Super Pack! Author
If you want to know about all things punk, then this is the pack for you. You'll read stories from Erick Lyle, one of…
$38.00 $20.00

$20 Superpack: Quarter Life Crisis Survival Pack
by Joe Biel Author, John Gerken Author, Ben Holtzman Author, Shaun Slifer Author, Super Pack! Author, Robert Wildwood Author and Bec Young Author
We know that times can be tough. Crises don't always wait til you're 40. Graduating from high school or college, trying…
$45.00 $20.00

$20 Superpack: Rebel Alliance
by Dawson Barrett Author, Joe Biel Author, Elly Blue Author, John Gerlach Author, Dan Méndez Moore Author, 4 more
Want to join the Rebel Alliance? Congratulations, you're already on the team. These books will help get you primed for…
$72.00 $20.00

$20 Superpack: Ride the Wohl Whip (Cometbus)
by Aaron Cometbus Author and Super Pack! Author
Featuring a pile of issues of the classic Cometbus zine. Includes the long out-of-print, now unearthed contributor issue…
$24.00 $20.00

$20 Superpack: Sea Stories!
by Super Pack! Author, Raffaella Tolicetti Author, Moe Bowstern Author, Elly Blue Author, Robert Wildwood Author and R.J. Gillis Author
Ahoy, friends! Come sail away with this bundle of nautical tales. This pack includes stories of teenage castaways, labor…
$47.75 $20.00

$20 Superpack: Self-Quarantine Self-Care
by Super Pack! Author, Raleigh Briggs Author, Ashley Rowe Palafox Author and Dr. Faith G. Harper Author
We see you! Working from home, diligently disinfecting doorknobs, crafting with the kiddos, talking to the houseplants,…
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$20 Superpack: Stuporpack
by Aaron Dactyl Author, Erica Dawn Lyle Author, Erik Spellmeyer Author and Super Pack! Author
Maaaaan! I have the worst hangover! Whaaaaaat happened? Let's get you back up to speed with some water and reading Scam:…
$52.00 $20.00

$20 Superpack: Summertime DIY
by Raleigh Briggs Author, Bert Davis Author, Holly Davis Author, Matte Resist Author, Erik Spellmeyer Author and Super Pack! Author
Stay busy and happy this summer with these four DIY guides to stuff you can do outdoors, or with the windows open. How…
$46.00 $20.00

$20 Superpack: Sweaty Summer
by Super Pack! Author
Are you feeling this hot and sweaty summer and want a retreat? Get away with these cool treats to help pass those long…
$24.00 $20.00

$20 Superpack: Take Care Down There
by Super Pack! Author
The vulva is just as important a body part as any other, but for many it remains shrouded in mystery, shame, and all…
$34.00 $20.00

$20 Superpack: Teacher power-up
by Kaycee Eckhardt Author, Anne Elizabeth Moore Author, Dave Roche Author and Super Pack! Author
Got a teacher in your life? Do they love their job and know its value, but always seem to be verging on overwhelmed,…
$30.00 $20.00

$20 Superpack: Teen Liberation
by Super Pack! Author, Dawson Barrett Author, Elly Blue Author, Joe Biel Author, Bill Brent Author, Wendy Ayotte Author and CrimethInc Author
We know teens aren't the apathetic, disengaged, phone-addicted youngsters society wants to paint them as. Teens give a…
$42.75 $20.00

$20 Superpack: The Early Days
by Super Pack! Author
Remember the early days of Microcosm? No? Well, here you go! This Superpack includes some of our earlier titles you may…
$50.00 $20.00