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Cat Party #10
by Katie Haegele Editor
Will this Cat Party never end? If Katie Haegele has her way, no, it totally wouldn't. In the tenth issue we join Katie…
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Cat Party #2: Stories & Comics About Our Favorite Cats
by Joe Biel Contributor, Dame Darcy Contributor, Keet Geniza Contributor, Katie Haegele Editor, Mardou Contributor and River Katz Contributor
Five stories and comics by a variety of creators about beloved kitties, in the spirit of Katie Haegele's Cats I've…
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Cat Party #3: The Collectible Cat
by Katie Haegele Author and Caitlin Peck Illustrator
Cat themed knick-knacks and objet d’dubious art star in this issue of Katie Haegele's Cat Party zine, as…
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Cat Party #4: Lost & Found
by Katie Haegele Author
Katie Haegele asked around for stories of cats lost and found, and uncovered a lovely range of emotional…
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Cat Party #5: More Lost & Found Relics
by Katie Haegele Author
In this second installment of the "Lost & Found" theme, Katie Haegele offers up five new stories of how cats affect the…
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Cat Party #6: At Home with Our Cats
by Katie Haegele Editor and Joe Carlough Contributor
Contributors reflect on their relationships with their feline companions while quarantined together during the…
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Cat Party #7: Kitty Ephemera, Lists, and Infographics
by Katie Haegele Editor
What's that? You say that you can't get enough cats? Fortunately, Katie Haegele has got your fix. And she's…
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Cat Party #8: Love & Loss
by Katie Haegele Author
How is it that Katie Haegele keeps finding more stories about cats? Well, it seems that no matter where Katie goes,…
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Cat Party #9: Art & Stories About Cats
by Katie Haegele Author
In this ninth edition of the zine Cat Party, creator Katie Haegele continues her celebration of cats and the people…
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Cat's Claw Herbal
by Heron Brae Author
In this 2002 zine, Heron Brae, now an established herbalist and teacher, shows a developing love and understanding of…
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Cautionary Tales of Childhood
by Bee Lavender Author and Gabriel Liston Author
A simple, illustrated story, told from the perspective of a young kid, whose family is on the way to her uncle's…
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The Celebrated Rubber Chickens of Dingo Dizmal & Olive Rootbeer: A Coloring Book
by Dingo Dizmal Author and Olive Rootbeer Illustrator
Crass rubber chickens, illustrated by clowns! These aren't just any rubber chickens. They ski, they joust, they cross…
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Cheap Alcohol & How to Make It
by Jarrod Laure Author
Easy, cheap, and DIY ways to make alcohol at home! Making your own can also be fun and rewarding. Few things are as…
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A Chef's Tale: Strange Traveler's Tales of Food, Sex, Random Occurrences, and Other Culinary Disasters
by Joshua Ploeg Author
Joshua Ploeg is a touring post-punk vegan chef and these are his harried tales of traveling the Greyhound with…
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Chey's Vegan Recipes: Nom nom noms from main courses to rice dishes to sauces to tamales to soups to desserts plus hair care!
by Cheyenne Winters Author
Microcosm Publishing's co-owner Chey is a damn fine cook. Now you, too, can get your vegan and gluten free game on with…
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Chickweed: Edible Weeds and Herbalism
by london anarcha feminist kolektiv Author
Establish solidarity with medicinal weeds, the hardy radicals of the plant world! Born from herbalism share sessions…
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Chinese Juggalo
by Ryan Dyer Author
What happens when a Chinese teenager discovers Insane Clown Posse? In this lighthearted story, Chen, a 10th-grade metal…
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Christopher Columbus and His Expeditions to America
by John Gerlach Author
While past histories depict Christopher Columbus as either god-sent angel or bloodthirsty demon, Simple History Series…
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The CIA Makes Science Fiction Unexciting #10: What Happened to the Black Panther Party?
by Joseph E. Green Author and Joe Biel Series Editor
You may have heard of the Black Panther Party, but what do we really know? Here's introduction to the time shit hit…
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The CIA Makes Science Fiction Unexciting #11: Introduction to Kennedy's Chappaquiddick Conspiracy, 1969
by Joseph E. Green Author
When Senator Edward Kennedy's car went into the water at Chappaquiddick Island, it cost Mary Jo Kopechne her life and…
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CIA Makes Science Fiction Unexciting #7: Intro to the JFK Assassination Conspiracy
by Joseph E. Green Author and Abner Smith Author
Why are conspiracy theorists so dumb? Why can’t they just accept that Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK? Is it just because…
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CIA Makes Science Fiction Unexciting #8: Intro to The MLK and RFK Assassination Conspiracies: 1968
by Joseph E. Green Author
It may sound far-fetched, but both the MLK and RFK assassinations were also conspiracies and the evidence is frankly…
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CIA Makes Science Fiction Unexciting #9: Intro to the Jonestown Massacre Conspiracies 1978
by Joseph E. Green Author
“Don’t drink the Kool-Aid!” Most people have heard the phrase, but like so many famous phrases, its origin is a…
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A Clean Skate: Struggle for Sobriety Amidst the Opioid Epidemic
by Devan Goldsby Author
Skateboarding was life for Goldsby, until he gave it up in order to more safely provide for his new daughter. But…
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Clevo Style: How Decades of Cleveland Punk and Hardcore Shaped the World
by A. Iwasa Author
Cleveland, Ohio's punk scene has played host and step parent to tens of thousands of kids for over 40 years.…
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The Closing of a Corner Store
by Amelia Bjesse-Puffin Author
A touching tribute to an oft-overlooked neighborhood institution. Amelia chronicles the sudden closure of the…
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Coercive Control: How to Recognize and End Abuse in Your Relationships
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author
Coercive control is an insidious form of interpersonal violence—whether physical, emotional, mental, or…
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The Cold War
by John Gerlach Author
In the latest installment of the Simple History zine series, author J. Gerlach takes a look at the Cold War. An era of…
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by Jessica Hoof Nagle Author
This collection of artwork and photography brings together various mediums into a zine that captures an aesthetic. From…
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